Friday, August 01, 2008

Must Read: Shantaram

If you guys have any reason to read this blog at all, do yourself a favor, and get Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts. Really. Perhaps this is the biggest favor I can do for you, if you haven't read the book already. This is the first book in a long, long, time that enveloped me so completely that I find myself laughing, reminiscing, thinking and completely lost in the story. If I have to review it, and I've read only half of it as yet - it's five f_ckin stars. Easily one of the best books I've read. I'm a total bookworm, so that's saying something. And it's so easy to see why it could be made into a movie. Whatever I write here, would be pointless. This book is an experience. Now, go get it. I'll doubt if you'll do anything else properly until you finish it :).


_ said...

You really should blog about books after you've done reading them. :)

Vamsee said...

Ha ha. I was planning on blogging about it even before I hit page 50. It's _that_ good ;)