Wednesday, April 29, 2009

TechCrunch gets worse and worse.

I know Giles Bowkett hates it, and he's got very good reasons to. I try to avoid it, but every once in a while, but I do stumble up on TC stories through other innocuous channels. I tell ya, it's worse than a Murdoch rag. Take this story about Wolfram Alpha, for example:
The writer didn't even have the patience to sit through the webcast, but he felt informed enough to diss on a new product. Not even a single mention about the difference between Google's offering and Wolfram's approach to the problem. None. Not even a pretense of research. Nada. Worse yet, none of the commentators seem to be even bothered about this.
Somehow, there seems to be a conscious effort on the part of TechCrunch to be come the yellow-journalistic equivalent of online tech news reporting. Please, if you respect your intelligence, avoid TechCrunch. At least don't ask me to respect yours.

Posted via email from vamsee's posterous

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