Thursday, September 04, 2008

Now that's what I call a politician

Where are we gonna get one of these?

Jesse Ventura Speech Rally for the Republic 9/02/08 Pt. 2


Pramod Biligiri said...

Yep! What a speech that was! Even Lew Rockwell did well that day.

Was surprised to find another Indian blogging about the RFTR :)

Vamsee said...

Actuallly I don't know much about Ron Paul and his policies. It's time to correct that, I guess. Got a link from twitter, and was mighty impressed :). I like your RP blog. We have a common friend - Sidharth Kuruvila. He suggested that I subscribe to your LJ :)

Pramod Biligiri said...

Oh yeah, Sidharth mentioned that he gave my blog url to a friend of his :)

I'm sure you'll enjoy listening to Ron Paul's ideas. Just "Google Ron Paul", as the saying goes.